Insights from Ares’ Global Head of Wealth Management

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Using Private Markets - A New Way to Win

By Raj Dhanda
September 2023

Following Labor Day weekend in the U.S., Ares Wealth Management Solutions (“AWMS”) hosted 100 leading registered investment advisors in New York City for our Fall RIA AccessAres Private Markets Day, bringing together business heads and thought leaders from across Ares to discuss opportunities in private markets.

During this educational event, we delved into the dynamics that are driving private credit, private equity and private real assets. However, the session of note for me was a panel discussion featuring CIOs and fund allocators from our top RIA clients. This thoughtful conversation raised four challenges that wealth managers face when allocating to private markets, which got our team thinking about how best to address these obstacles. These challenges included:

Raj Dhanda

Raj Dhanda
Global Head of Wealth Management
  1. Private vs. Public: How can one effectively model private markets consistently alongside public markets in proposals?
  2. Evidence: Limitations on short track records and lack of clear data in private markets
  3. Consistency: Difficulties making consistent allocations across various asset classes and vintages
  4. Education: The need to help end investors understand private markets as an alternative to overpaying for liquidity

Meanwhile, a few slides in particular seemed to capture the attention of our audience members, leading them to raise their cell phones to take pictures:

  1. Illustrative model portfolios showing up to 50% allocations to private markets
  2. Data demonstrating that even in more conservative 40% equity / 60% fixed income portfolios –88% of the volatility is driven by the 40% traditional equity exposure1
  3. Charts evidencing the incredible shrinking of the public equity markets2 and the knock-on effect of more and more companies choosing to stay private

Pairing the observed challenges and areas of interest, a few interesting themes emerged as we collectively focused the day on discussing “game changers” and an “expanded toolkit,” as well as introducing educational resources to assist financial advisors along their private markets journey.

Game Changers

A traditional 60/40 portfolio of stocks and bonds (i.e., allocating by asset class) has worked for quite some time, but markets and wealth management have evolved and look different today than they have historically.

First, the “Great Wealth Transfer” expects to see ~$84 trillion change hands over the next 20 years. An aging population in developed economies remains the largest wealth cohort and seeks more predictable returns delivered in the form of income. At the same time, many younger (“Next Gen”) investors (and inheritors) seek above-average returns that do not rely solely on stocks and bonds3.

Second, we observe a secular change in interest rate policy and, paired with higher inflation, this elevates uncertainty. This comes amidst years of large cap stocks trading at top decile valuations and lack of diversification in public markets, which fuels heightened equity risk.

Finally, regulatory changes in the wake of Silicon Valley Bank will further the need for flexible capital.

Effectively Using an Expanded Toolkit

Given the speed and dynamism of markets today, an expanded toolkit becomes a critical resource to keep up. We believe private markets serve just that purpose, having demonstrated their ability to improve portfolio outcomes across market cycles4.

At AWMS, with the help of our in-house “Financial Advisor Solutions Team” of asset allocation specialists, we believe that in place of the traditional public-only portfolio, individual investors could benefit from investing upwards of 50% of their portfolios in the private markets utilizing risk-based diversification (as opposed to traditional asset class diversification). We like to call it 50/50 investing, and our research suggests it provides the potential for higher returns, greater total portfolio yield and greater diversification to smooth portfolio drawdowns. 50/50 investing provides an alternative to the compulsory premium investors historically paid for the privilege of having their entire portfolio liquid, even if unneeded.

A Partner for the Journey

The resounding feedback from our RIA partners who attended our event is that access to education, insights, tools and consultation make all the difference in helping them overcoming the challenges.

Our RIA Private Markets Day represents just one component of AccessAres – Ares’ educational platform for the financial advisor. These initiatives, combined with support from our Financial Advisor Solutions Team, reflect our commitment to helping wealth advisors embrace private markets and incorporate them strategically into a durable portfolio approach with scale across their practices.


Public equity represented by MSCI ACWI NTR; Public fixed income represented by Bloomberg 7-10-yr. government bond index.


FRED, St. Louis Fed, Wilshire, U.S. Census Bureau, Ares. FRED data current through 2019. All other data as of July 2022.


As of 3/15/2022, EDHEC.


As of 2022, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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